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Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:42 pm
by neon14
Its that time again. Time to build another boat! Well...a canoe that is.
Got started on the lofting right away. Of course I did all the work on the floor. I would not advise this.
Had to use large packets of gatorade to help hold the wood flat.
Its at about this time that my wife says "I want you to build me a canoe also"
I had to stop an gather myself together
So this is going to be a 2 canoe build, a pair, a his and hers, a matching set.
We went to Boerne Tx and got 7 sheets of 1/8" luan. They had 65 sheets in stock and we had to dig through about 35 to find 7 really good ones.
I am happy with the quality of this wood. I like the dark veneer.
Re: Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:28 pm
by neon14
Well, I had to switch from photobucket to flicker because for some reason photobucket just would not work on my computer anymore. Dont know why. Made a couple of benches last saturday. Put them end to end and it makes one 15 foot long bench. Will make gluing all the hull panels together a whole lot easier.
Also rough cut the hull panels that I will be using as router jigs. Gonna have to replicate each one of these panels 8 times to build 2 canoes. Thats a lot of panels!
Re: Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:32 pm
by neon14
Look what just came in the mail today!
Its a 2oz bottle of thick super glue and a giant...more than I will prolly ever use...can of some sort of accelerant for super glue. Its supposed to almost instantly dry the glue that already dries really fast anyway. Incredible.
My plan is to stitch the boat together, super glue the panels to each other, remove the stitches, then do the filleting. I seen it on the internet. Wish me luck
Re: Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:07 pm
by Oldsparkey
Have you tried any of the glue on a piece of wood and then painted some epoxy over it to make sure the glue does not discolor the wood when epoxied ?
Re: Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:24 am
by neon14
Chuck, I will give it a test. Hopefully it doesn't discolor a large area. I think it will be ok since it will in the area covered by fillet material. Its something that I have been wanting to try for a long time. Luckily I plan to paint the entire outside hull so if I tack it together from the outside it wouldn't matter. As long as it didn't bleed through to the inside. We will see what happens. I will do some sperimenting this weekend. Bummer thing is my epoxy did not come in today so all I can really do this weekend is router out all those panels.
But this did show up today. Actually it got delivered by accident to the school across the street!
5 pounds of saw dust from Raka. I guess I ordered a little too much.
Re: Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:18 am
by jem
lol... just a little!
Guess you'll have to build some more stuff.
Re: Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:21 am
by Oldsparkey
5 pounds of saw dust from Raka. I guess I ordered a little too much.
Larry ( Raka ) must think you are building the Ark by ordering so much wood flour. The up side is that it does not spoil , lasts forever and has a lot of uses when working with wood and epoxy.
It's best to have to much then not enough when building boats.
Re: Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:09 pm
by neon14
Worked on the canoes today because it was raining, no fishing. I'm ok with the bad weather because we have been in a drought for a long time. Started cutting out the hull panels one by one. First ruff cutting them. This took a long time.
Then put them on the wood duplicating machine.
Sasquatch 14 by
neonwill, on Flickr
And here it is. One canoe!
Sasquatch 14 by
neonwill, on Flickr
Took like 5 hours to do this. Got to do it again tomorrow. Should be faster second time around.
Re: Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:44 am
by Oldsparkey
One thing to keep in mind when building a wood canoe or any wood boat. Take your time and DO NOT RUSH it. Think the steps threw and then follow up with the actual work but take your time.
When a person gets in a hurry is when things go wrong and as it starts to look more and more like a boat people tend to get in a hurry to have it completed.
Also preparation ( getting everything the way you want it ) is 90% of building a boat , the other 10% is putting it together.
Re: Neons Sasquatch 14
Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:34 pm
by neon14
Ok Chuck, I will slow down a little bit. But I need to finish these canoes so I can go fishing this weekend
Things are fixing to start slowing down here real quick. I have 20 hull splices to do. Thats going to take a while. Originally I was going to use wooden butt blocks like I have on my other builds. I figured I would make them neat and well fitting and just fillet between and around them. But in the plans and it says "we do not recommend using wooden butt blocks for the sasquatch" so I guess it will be the fiberglass method. Its going to take a lot longer but will look much better.
I did get the hull panels for the second canoe cut out yesterday. And my epoxy showed up today. So I'm fixin to get to business.