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Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:21 pm
by craiggamesh
I started this in February. I lofted all the side panels out on some oriented strand board. I then cut them and did the quality control measurements and determined they were ok. I then used these templates and some math (
) and was able get all my parts out of 4 sheets of marine ply, and the temp frames out of some luan. I spliced the panels and built the interior frame work. I did not photo the panel splicing.
Re: Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:28 pm
by craiggamesh
Re: Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:42 pm
by craiggamesh
This weekend I was able to glue it together, sand it, and seal-coat it:
Last night I was able to get the first coat of fiberglass on. The glass I have is the 4 oz cloth from Duckworks. Its actually 3.85 oz's I believe. I put two additional 4 inch wide layers of bias cut strips along the stem and stern figuring these will take a lot of abrasion. Is this enough for ocean use or should I do another layer? I planned to do the interior bottom with 6 oz cloth. I was going to use 6 oz because the interior takes the stronger force of deflection if I hit a rock. I also plan to coat the bottom with the graphite mix.
As it is right now the hull is glassed on the outside only and weighs 19 pounds. I would like to keep it light. One thing I considered was to add an 8 inch wide strip of the 4 oz down the middle along the keel. Any comments??
Re: Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:51 pm
by craiggamesh
I forgot to mention, the marine ply is 4 mm thick.
Re: Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 2:45 am
by craiggamesh
Well, since I had an abundance of 6 oz cloth, I ran a "foot ball shaped piece on the bottom panels the length of the boat. I am so glad I had already decided to do the graphite bottom. There is something about the 6 oz cloth I have that bugs me. Even when completely soaked with epoxy, the weave can be seen in some areas of the cloth. I am so glad I didn't use it over the entire boat. I wonder if it is a defective batch. There are places on my strip built kayak that had the same problem. Luckily, its on the bottom. I have never had this problem with the 4 oz. I will probably never buy 6 oz again. As for now, it will get used up on the inside where it won't be seen.
I may have to build another to use it up
Which one should I do next.......
Re: Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:22 am
by Bemm 52
Craig with my wadefish I'm building now I only taped the inside seams in an effort to keep the weight down and gave inside a coat of epoxy to seal it.
On my Sabalo I have patched the rear keel and bow to under water line twice now........ maily abrasions from loading on ute (stern) and grounding on concrete ramps and rocks(bow) I would beef up keel for the first 3feet or so on the bow and the stern with extra glass.
I'm afraid my Sabalo has gone from show pony to working boat.....but what the hell I'm havin fun and its easy to fix........ spring time I'll give it a rub down and a varnish and it should come back as good as new
looking at your pictures brings back memories I recon her under water profile is so sweet wadefish seems boring in comparison........maybe it will shine on the water.
Have a think about my scupper idea I'm going to use them for a Hobie tYpe slot in cart i recon they will be strong enough will post pics when I have it sussed
Cheers Paul
Re: Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:45 am
by jem
6-ounce cloth has thicker strands so its weave will have more pronounced peaks and valleys. Be glad you didn't 9-ounce!
Re: Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:40 am
Looking Great,I like the idea of butting the 6oz on the inside of the hull
Re: Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:17 pm
by craiggamesh
On my Sabalo I have patched the rear keel and bow to under water line twice now........ maily abrasions from loading on ute (stern) and grounding on concrete ramps and rocks(bow) I would beef up keel for the first 3feet or so on the bow and the stern with extra glass.
Thanks for the replies guys. I have 1 layer of 4 ounce over everything, three layers of 4 ounce on the first 2-3 feet of bow and stern, and then a layer of 6 ounce over the entire bottom panels (panels D). I think I will stop there and add more later if necessary.
I think I will do the entire inside with the six ounce since I have it and need to use it. The coast where I intend to fish up here in the Pacific Northwest is rough and rocky. My hopes are for mainly sandy beach launches and will do my best to avoid the concrete, although its not always possible.
Have a think about my scupper idea I'm going to use them for a Hobie tYpe slot in cart i recon they will be strong enough will post pics when I have it sussed
I may do one like that in the seat. I intend to rig up my transducer in one of the front scuppers. The hole on the bottom will be cut to that shape, but slightly larger so the water can still drain around it.
6-ounce cloth has thicker strands so its weave will have more pronounced peaks and valleys. Be glad you didn't 9-ounce!
I saw some 9 oz cloth yesterday when I picked up the new 4 oz. I couldn't imagine trying to wet that out.
I love the 4 oz. It will be all I use from now on.
Re: Another Sabalo.....
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:21 am
by craiggamesh
Finished another fill coat. Fill coats are so much easier than wetting out .
I need to take another photo tomorrow. I also added another small 4 oz strip about 3 feet long to the stem and stern. I had some scraps and figured the additional weight was negligible. So stem and stern are 4 layers thick with 4 oz fiber glass.