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laker 14 plans ordered ready to r&r
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:58 pm
by cridgie down under
Hi Matt finally got to order plans for the laker 14 early this week and am now itching to get started. I have read every thing in lakers lair about a dozen times this week and want to thank all you guys for the helpful hints.
I will be using my laker mainly for fishing so if any one can shed some light on how they have set up their L 14 i would appreciate it. I am talking about rod holders, anchor systems, fish finders, etc .etc. pics would be great ,
kind regards
cridgie down under
Re: laker 14 plans ordered ready to r&r
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:34 am
by jem
Dropped them in the mailbox a couple days ago.
Mick and Olsnappa seem to be the rigging gurus. I''m sure they'll be along shortly!
Re: laker 14 plans ordered ready to r&r
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:49 am
by hairymick
G'day Cridgie,
My laker is only a 13 footer but is set up pretty well for me.
The tub in back of the cockpit in place of a hatch lid works a treat
Rear rod holders, i just use plastic flush mounts available at any tackle store.
Front adjustable rod holdrs, i like the Berkley Professionals or Cabelas own brand jobbies. They are identical to Scotties only with the Cabelas brand on them.
I use these mounts in the foredeck, ... ISO-8859-1
they are brilliant,
and these holders ... ISO-8859-1
I have bought the bigger holders but I reckon they are too bulky for my taste ... ISO-8859-1
I installed a bulkhead behind the paddler to keep some stuff dry and left the foreward area without one. Somewhere to poke my bait pump and longer fish.
Will post more details on my set up in my Okwata next week as i start to fit her out for you.
Good luck with your build mate. I am certain you are going to love your Laker.
Re: laker 14 plans ordered ready to r&r
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:29 pm
by olsnappa
Hi Cridgie.
I've been delayed in starting my Laker 14 unfortunately.... Despite being on leave, other events have occupied time and resources at the moment. But am looking forward to starting soon!!
I'll probably go with the flush mount rod holders at the rear as Mick did.
I like the look of the adjustable rod holders on Mick's links...... I think I prefer them to the ones I used on the Cape Fear really, but am not sure that I'll actually fit forward holders on the Laker.
I'm still deciding whether to go with a hatch into the (sealed) rear space or a lift out tub as per the hairy one.
I'll have a bungy cord webbing set up on the forward deck for holding stuff down if needed.
As for the anchor, I probably won't put one on the Laker. However the same basic rig as on the Cape Fear would work fine.
At some stage in the next week or so I'll draw up a schematic plan of the arrangement. I find it's sometimes better than using photos to describe the layout of something like the anchor trolley etc.
All the best with the build, mate.
Re: laker 14 plans ordered ready to r&r
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:59 pm
by cridgie down under
Many thanks to you Matt, Mick,& John, for your replys and input. I feel honoured to have you three guys giving me some advice and support . John i originally came from melbourne and started playing lawn bowls when i was 27 (now 71)
at reservoir bowls, club now living at sawtell and still playing bowls ,I have just recently sold my cobra explorer,and am itching to get back on the water. Many years ago i built a heron gaffed rigged sail boat, and an arafura catamaran,
I am a member of the plywood pirates club in coffs harbour and some of the kayaks they have built are unbeleivable
They all pitch in and help each other . I will see if i can post pics at a later date.
thanks once again regards
(cridgie down under)
P.S. John are you still a green keeper and if so what club ?
Re: laker 14 plans ordered ready to r&r
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:46 pm
by olsnappa
Yes.....I work at an historical garden here in Melbourne. It has a bowling green and lawn tennis court and large lawn areas so most of my time is involved in the turf management of those....The rest is helping in the gardens.....and about a thousand other "dogs body" tasks....
The gardens and turf surfaces were established in the 1880's and are all heritage listed.
(Turfy by trade.....dogs body by occupation
Re: laker 14 plans ordered ready to r&r
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:49 am
by olsnappa
I've put together an explanation of the anchor arrangement I used on the Cape Fear.
Same fore and aft
Provides quick release if you have to take off in a hurry. Just pull line out of cleat and it will run through the steel ring as you paddle away......or are pulled along by that big fish
When you return look for the red float, feed the free end of the reel to cleat line through the ring and secure it in the cleat again.....and you're anchored
3b & 3c
4 & 5
In this photo the anchor is deployed from the bow so that the kayak is facing into the current or waves.
Anchor from the stern to face away from the current or waves
A couple of extra points:
I used 80lb fishing line from the reel to the anchor but will be changing that to the same 4mm nylon as used in the rest of the set up. I've found that the fishing line is a bit hard on the hands when winding the anchor back in.
The green hand reel used for the anchor line has a couple of grooves cut into it so I can tie off the anchor line at the length (depth) required. This is to stop the whole lot unwinding while its floating. (I'll get a pic of it up soon)
I have two folding grapnel anchors. 750gms and 1.5kg. I've found that the 750gm anchor is adequate for most situations but carry both in the kit bag just in case. There's a snap hook on the end of the anchor line and I just clip on whichever one I want to use.
Hope that's clear. Let me know if there's anything that doesn't make sense.
Re: laker 14 plans ordered ready to r&r
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:58 pm
by cridgie down under
Hey,John thank you for your illustration and pics, I have also been keeping an eye on your cape fear build too and with the advice,and tips, from every one on this forum i am confident and ready to start on my laker 14 when the plans arrive. ",Keep the dream alive"[
thanks once again
ray (cridgie down under)
Re: laker 14 plans ordered ready to r&r
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:15 pm
by jem
Those plans should be hitting your door any day now.