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Two Lakers for the Kids and 1 for dad

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:30 pm
by Har_Laker
First and foremost I would like to thank you for providing these awesome yak plans for free!. This spring I started looking at our wooden drift boat that had been sitting idle for for a couple of years and when I started to look at the damage I decided it would be easier to build a new craft than repair the old. The drift boat was trailered and was kind of a handful to put in by yourself. I thought it would be easier to start from scratch. I was searching for something that was easy to pick up and load and was fishable. The Laker clearly fits the bill. I started out with intentions of building something I could use while the kids were in school as I work weekends and am off in the middle of the week.
I got the free plans for the Laker and went to work. Along the way I told my 10 yr. old and 9 yr. old that they would get there own kayaks also.
What a great project for the kids, they both helped in the entire construction process. We worked like dogs and just recently finished my oldest' s boat. I told him that he made a big mistake by picking the first one because this the the one that we made all the mistakes on.
I got my son's mostly done and started on my daughters. We took my son's for a test drive yesterday and it was post card perfect!. It performed as advertised, the kids did not want to leave. They looked like ducks! I on on the other hand was questioning weather I should continue with plans to build one for myself. I built a removable seat for my son's boat that sits about 3" off the floor. The higher CG made a huge difference with me. I'm 5'11" and 200 lbs. I tried some tight turns and had water at the coaming.
I left thinking that I would buy some more ply and stretch the design to 15' to help with stability, but last night I figured I would try again today without the seat plat form. Man it helped big time, huge difference in stability. Saved me a lot of time standing over ply and figuring. Anyway, I decided that 13' can work well for me also.
This is my third boat building project. The first was a jon boat with chine logs and a lot of screws, the second was a drift boat that was stitch and glue and some screws. this is my first all glue only build.
Great design, great plans.
Thank You,

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:44 am
by jem
:D :D :D

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:14 am
by hairymick
G''y Jeff and welcome abord mate!! :D And welcome to the world Lakers!

I am 6' and weigh 200 pounds and my 13 footter carries me and all my fishing gear - no problem. :D

As you have found out, keep the seating position low and you will have no problems re stability. I have had mine is small surf and smallish rapids and she performed magnificently.

Good on ya mate for getting the kids involved. These boats are just made for kids (big & small) :D & for playing in. My wife and I love ours to bits. 8)

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:50 pm
by Kayak Jack

From a grandpa, I'm very pleased to hear that your kids are knee deep into the boats. You aren't building a boat with a kid - you're actually building a kid with a boat.

Thanks for the reply's.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:17 pm
by Har_Laker
I'll try to get some pictures up to show as soon as I figure out how to use photobucket.

I read your logs carefully and they were a great help. Pictures to go along with the plans so to speak. I have to say, your boats are truly built with great attention to detail. Very handsome jobs!

Thanks for the advice, It's nice that they are helping and learning, even though they are adding to the build time.:) It's hard for me to hand over power tools and let them make cuts when I know it will add a lot of time to the sanding and finishing. All said and done, it was well worth the extra time when I saw their joy as they paddled effortlessly across the lake. Schedules had me taking my son and daughter on seperate days, but they both acted the same. They paddled around and got about 200 yds out and just put the paddle across the cockpit and coasted. It's rare to see my kids in a state of tranquility.:) We are all looking forward to when we can get out on the water together.
A liitle off the subject, I noticed that you are in Michigan. I grew up in the state south of you with the good football team. :)


Some Pictures

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:25 pm
by Har_Laker
Son's Kayak
PVC Handle
Rear view of son's boat
Daughter and son's kayaks
Daughter's coaming
Getting ready to even up the strips
Tripping hazard!

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:56 pm
by Oldsparkey
I liked seeing your tripping hazard. Reminded me of one of my better buddies.
He was something , at night he would stretch out on my bed and get it nice and warm for me to crawl into later.

That was only during the winter time , summer time he was usually camped out by a AC outlet and in the better times out on the porch I put up for him. When he wanted out there , the rest of the time it was in the house with the wife and me.

Brandy and I had a lot of good times together then he got epilepsy and it advance to the stage where I had to put him to sleep. Advanced stages way past what anyone could do for him and I tried all of them. Even had a Vet that came by for Sunday suppers ( a fried of the family ) and later he advised me to do that since it was progressing and nothing worked. Dam , I sure miss him.

MATT..... I tried saying ... M e d i c a t i o n ... and the system told me it was spam. :?:

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:56 pm
by Har_Laker
Sorry to here about your dog. Good ones are far and few, and well missed when they pass.


Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:33 pm
by jem
Fixed the word censor thing. The real bad ones are still spam.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:05 pm
by Oldsparkey
jem wrote:Fixed the word censor thing. The real bad ones are still spam.
I know what you are saying , really know.
