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Hairy's Laker

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:27 am
by hairymick
G'day guys,

Robins P5 is done, bar the painting and varnish. Just letting it all cure up now before getting it wet.

Just to set a record of start date. I started marking and cutting the panels for the prototype Laker 13' today.

I may need to get a little creative with this one. I am only using left over ply from other builds.

The drawings call for three complete sheets. I thought I had two and three quarters, plus a heap of off-cuts, but one sheet is a heap of garbage and I will have to disgard most of it.

I am gonna have some fun with this one. I am determined to make her out of what I have left and still stick as closely as I can to Matt's drawings, :P I may have to do a couple of butt spices on the bottom panels (where I can best hide them) and I will be keeping the prettiest ply for the decks.

All the master panels are cut. The boat is symmetrical so there will be four indentical bottom panels and four identical side panels plus two each of front deck and back decks with a flat middle section on the back deck. (easy :D )

If there is enough ply left over, I hope to install bulkheads and hatches for and aft.

As usual, Matt's drawings were concise and easy to read. Not having full sheets, I had to improvise a bit because I was unable to measure from the ply edges. Took a little more time and tested the grey matter a bit, but thanks to the lovely QA sheets, all panels worked out to within a 1/32" I am real happy with that. :D

In the coming days, I will clean up the panels I have cut and start trying to get the most out of my ply. Wish me luck. :D

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:55 am
by jem
You could plot all the shapes on some cheap wood first and then use them as patterns on the better wood. That way you can move things around and adjust as needed.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:46 pm
by hairymick
You could plot all the shapes on some cheap wood first and then use them as patterns on the better wood. That way you can move things around and adjust as needed
Mate, That's the plan :D only, I used the off-cuts that were big enough to make complete panels.

Money isn't the problem, I am just trying to use up some of my ever increasing stockpile of ply off-cuts. :D

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:51 pm
by jem
oh ok.

Well it winter there .... good kindling!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:08 pm
by hairymick

First frost this morning and I am getting ready for work. The fire is roaring with all the dogs curled up in front. I am trying to psych my self into going outside.

Can't find my beanie or my gloves :x I think the dogs ate em :evil: gonna be ex dogs soon, sucking up all the warmth from the fire. :P

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:56 pm
by jem

What do you think about an integrated seat platform? It would allow for using a simple boat cushion for a seat and then you could use that back band I sent you.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:58 pm
by hairymick
That would be a very good idea mate. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:22 am
by hairymick

been held up for a while with Honey do stuff and a couple of minor health problems.

Finally got a chance to get some work done on the Laker. All hull and deck panels are cut and allmost trimmed. Will finish trimming them this afternoon.

I was able to get all the panels, complete out of the ply I had so there is no unnecessary or extra butt joints to do. :Di have ordered more epoxy today but have enough to keep me going for now.

My ply has started to de-laminate in one small place so I will force some epoxy into the delamination this afternoon and that should take care of that. If not, or if it delaminates further after the boat is built, I have worked the fault into an area that will be relatively easy to cut out and I can replace that section of ply later. This boat is going to be painted so it doesn't really matter that much. :D

Soon as I get something worthwhile to take a piccie of will post.

BTW, I am going to try building this one without the aid of my trusty strongback. There are a couple of Matt's other beautiful canoes that I am going to start on soon and I want to see if I can do it without spending so much time setting up the strongback.

Oh yeah,

Matt, I really like your integrated seat platform - thank you :D Will definately be using it. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:02 am
by hairymick
Hull panels are stitched,


And Tacked :D :D


I reckon this is going to be a sweet little boat. :D thanks you Matt :D

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:28 am
by hairymick
Bit more done today.
