G'day guys,
Sorry about the tardy reply here. Been a little pre-occupied.
Chucky, you are absolutely correct mate. A lady who came on this trip with us, reckons the boat is sexy (her words)
G'day Pup,
No fish mate. With all the recent rain combined with land clearing that has been going on here, the PH level of the water has changed and the fish have shut right down for now. The spillway level was recently raised 2 metres and the lunatics also engaged in massive land clearing all along the banks. (bare earth policy) With the heavy rain, all the top soil has washed into the lake and silted it up terribly. When the silt finally settles to the bottom the lake probably won't hold a drop more water now than it did before they started.
You make the boat look.... um..... "rugged
Thanks Matt...................I think
G'day Jack,
Welcome back mate. and thank you
This really is a great boat. She will do everything that I wanted in a tripping canoe, is useful in skinny water, and while I haven't yet tried her in significant chop, I am certain she is more than up to the task.
She is a very big Canadian canoe by Australian standards. I had a look at a fibreglass boat of similar proportions the other day and the thing was at least twice as heavy as Sasquatch. I have paddled boats like these before and hated them, simply because they were such hard work to get to the water and more importantly, back to the car after a long days paddling. No such issues with Sasquatch, simply unload her, easy solo lift onto the shoulder or top of head and off you go. A lot like a very good kayak
When you get the time, I would encourage you to consider drawing up a 14 foot version of this boat to add to your allready impressive fleet of canoes.
Still waiting on better piccies of her in the water. My mate has let me down some in this regard.
will post as soon as they get here.