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Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:33 am
by surfman
Japan would be pretty cool but you could have India. Ayway, glad your back now lets see some progress... I can't talk much I am still hacking away slowly on mine. The keys are always a blast. Nice bone fish. :!:

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:54 pm
by Cracka
G'day Chalk.

I'm another from down in Australia but I am on the south eastern part of New South Wales near the Victorian border, quite a way from 'Hairymick.'

I've just sold my 4.5 metre estuary boat with a 60Hp 4 stroke Yam on it as I have found I havn't been using the boat as much as I did my las 3.85 metre fitted with a 25 2 stroke. Both boats fitted with bow mount electrics as I fish soft plastics and hard bodies for our estuary species down here.

I'm looking around for a boat of this type to fish estuaries and rivers in my area in Australia. I've been watching your build as well as the FS18 on the other builders site, both boats look very interesting and like nothing that we fish out of down here. I think this style of boat has merits for my area and type of fishing.

I've also been looking at the other 2 forums that cover microskiffs and this boat of yours looks similar to the 'Gheenoe' boats, I only mention that as Matt himself mentions it inder the description of the Buc so I hope I'm not out of line mentioning that brand name as I note on the other site there was a bit of a debarcle about comparing that builders design with another boat builders.

What are the dimensions of this boat and was it only something that Matt designed for yourself or are the plans going to be available for sale.

A bit of a long winded post, sorry, but I'm eager to see the finished boat and hear what it performs like before I bite the bullet and build something, on that note, have you made anymore progress on the boat.


Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:03 pm
by Chalk

It is based after a Gheenoe Classic 54" beam and 15' in length.

I don't want to speak for Matt, but I am sure he would sell you a set of plans.

I like the boat, like the design, not sure I would build it again though...If I did it over again, I would look into something along the lines of a Hells Bay Glade Skiff...As a matter of fact, my next boat will be along the lines of this boat, whether I build or buy



Only reason would be for the ease of build.

But I got what I wanted, loving the process of building it, can't wait to splash her.

Not much to report on the boat other than all the bulkheads are cut out and in place in the boat. I started drilling rigging holes for fuel and electrical. I picked up a running 25 hp Tohatsu for $100 and got a galvinized trailer from a friend for more or less free.

I need to get to work finishing the glass on the inside and rigging. Still thinking on how to do the front deck, as in hatches and equipment layout. Thinking of going hatchless with acces from the cockpit floor via the bulkhead..still thinking, I think to much, need to get into doing :lol:

If you have anymore questions let me know.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:35 pm
by Cracka

Thanks for the reply mate. The boat looks impressive to this stage I guess I'll just wait and see how yours and the other boat I mentioned (which appears to be more like the HB) fairs in practical use.

I guess their overall beam is about the same but the length 3' difference!

Like I said we don't really have anthing similar to either of these boats down here so I have no idea of how stable these craft are or how they perform. I will be purely going from the you builders say in your build and review posts.

You say "not sure I would build it again though". For what reason, I assume from further in your post that this design was a bit difficult to build, is that right?

What sort of weight will the finished boat be, just approximatley.

I will eagerly wait for the finish (as no doubt you are eager as well) to seen the result.


Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:37 pm
by Chalk

It's not difficult nor is it hard, it's more labor intensive....most boats have a keel and two chines...This boat has a keel and six chines, which means more taping, filleting, sanding, etc.

Matt had some calculations a while back, not sure if these are the right ones, we went through several number crunches through the design process
Resin: 7 gallons
Woodflour: 4 quarts (just get the 5 pound bag)
Biax tape, 6" wide: 300 yards
Biax cloth 1200, 50" wide: 10 yards

This is for usng 1/4" on the bottom with glass inside and out. I got you
coming in at 250 lbs before fairing.
I used meranti wood and was a little sloppy on the laminations, if it comes in around 300 I will be well pleased...I think the 50" cloth is for not covering the sides, I covered mine and will need a few more yards.

Did you see this boat? -

Regardless of what design you would like, JEM is your man for plans.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:04 am
by Cracka

I did actually see that skiff being built by Doug, it looks veeeery nice doesn't it. I gather from his post there and elsewhere that he designed the boat himself! Looks very similar to the boat you posted earlier, very nice.

Mate, I suppose all I can do now is just wait and see what happens with the boats being built and try and make a decision from yours and other builders opinions, (when finished) as to whether the boat is suitable for me and my type of fishing

I have joined the Microskiff and Custom Gheenoe forums to try and get some ideas and the general idea of these styles of boat (Bucc Prot and FS18)

Maybe Matt may have some ideas of doing a boat in a similar fashion to the HB type skiff!!!!!!!!, I don't know, no doubt he will chime in if he has any thoughts on the idea.

Like I said earlier apart from that I'll just wait and see what happens with your boat and the FS18 and fish out of my kayak untill then.

Thanks mate


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:48 am
by hairymick
G'day Mick,

Good to hear from you again.

Mate, where are you planning on using a boat like this? I am not familiar with the waters down your way.

I am thinking a skiff like either of these would work well here on the flats of the Great Sandy Straights. Hard Core sport fisho's are getting amongst the giant and golden trevally on fly now from something a little similar.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:23 am
by Cracka
G'day Mick,

How are you mate, I have been watching here and the other forums every day, watching your builds, by the way mate nice job on the Southwind and the P5.

I just sold my 445 Hornet Trophy that I've only had for 18 months. I found I didn't use the boat as much as I did the smaller 385 explorer I had before that.

I will be using the new boat (whatever it may be) in the local estuaries and rivers around here, Merimbula and Bega areas and also a local dam here (Brogo dam) which is stocked with Bass. Mainly for chasing bream and the usual others, flatties and trevally. I havn't spent any time up your way so I can't give you any comparisons, but I suppose most of our systems are very similar excepting for the area they cover, my usual areas aren't huge areas to cover. For example the Bega river from launch to the upper brackish areas in the 445 with the 60 hp was about a 15 to 20 minute run flat out.

Theres a fair bit of skinny water in the backs of the estuaries where I think one of these boats would be great. I just don't know how they would fair when the wind blows a bit of chop up, but then again I don't go out when the weather's crappy anyway, it must be age setting in I guess.

I've been looking at this boat of Chalks and the other one, as well as getting ideas from the other skiff sites and I think a boat like these would be pretty good thing.


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:04 am
by hairymick
G'day Mick,

We got a flu epidemic going on here at the moment. Both the wife and I are down with it. The old and frail are dropping like flies. I think Robin and I are over the worst of it now. :D

Hope all is good down your way.

Mate re the Quintrex's. I have two of them in my shed. One hasn't been wet in 7 years and the other one got wet twice last year. :oops: I couldn't be bothered with them any more. I get more and bigger fish from my paddlecraft. Thanks for the very kind words BTW :D

Mate, as I am getting longer in the tooth and starting to slow down a little, these powered flats boats are really starting to appeal to me. The only thing that I have seen that is similar are the big dollar bass tournie boats so in fashion now. I particularly like the big foredecks / casting platform but like you, I have some concerns about their ability in a short,steep chop. I think it would make for a lot of kicks in the behind with that shallow V and also for a very wet ride in any sort of chop.

In this regard, I think the Buc extra wide will have it all over them. Hats off to Matt and Chalk for coming up with the idea. :D Like you, I am watching this build with more than a little interest. I have no desire to build a very fast boat or to be able to get anywhere in such a hurry that my back and kidneys will be sore for days.

What I am considering is a low to medium powered skiff with the ability to get me to where I want to go in a reasonable time, be a comfortable and effective fishing platform and then have the ability to get me home again in the worst conditions if necessary. I think Chalks boat will come very close to this.

There are a couple/few more paddlecraft I want to build yet but something like Chalks is definately on the "to do" list.

Chalk mate, sorry bout the thread jack. Your Tohatsu 25 was an absolute bargain at that price. They are fine motors. I owned and ran a 25 in the salt for years. I would recommend you change the waterpump and impellor - NOW, also remove the prop and lubricate the spline ASAP.

If you are not planning on using the motor for a while, I would flush the cooling system in fresh water - regardless of what the previous owner has told you and also before storing, remove the spark plugs of both cylinders and give each cylinder a good squirt of CRC, Inox or similar while pulling the starter cord.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:24 pm
by Chalk
Bulkheads 1 & 2 and associated stringers are glassed in...glassing the front bow stringers and bulkheads proved to be difficult but doable task...alot of angles to work resin, fillets and fiberglass tape in...I hope to be done with the frame work in a week...then some rigging, then flooring and paint.

She's getting close :D