Well, the scraping is DONE, thank _______(enter deity of choice)… That bloody knife blade has left grooves in my fingers and it’ll take ages for the feeling to come back. Finally got the sh!+s with it and made a two handed job
Lump of wood cut to make a tight fit for a piece of steel sharpened and honed on a stone. Push the timber end and blade in one direction along the panel, then tip it back and draw it for a reverse scrap. Worked like a charm and took off stuff I thought I’d already cleaned up with the knife blade.
Sanded and washed down the hull and ready for glassing. The glass I have is not wide enough to cover the hull in one go, so half at a time.
(No one said how scary the first time wetting out a big sheet of glass can be, as in… Is-this-batch-of-resin-going-to-make-the-distance-or-is-it-going-to-go-off-part-way-though-(especially-in-this-heat-)-ok-that-one’s-done-quick!-get-another-batch-mixed-roll-it-out,-roll-it-out-oh-crap-why-didn’t-I-check-the-time-when-I-started,-that-first-brew-
I tell ya, after that last fiasco, I was like a mother hen with new chicks, getting my fingers sticky by checking so many times to see if it was going to harden, and when it did and I could run my hand over it, well I was a happy chappie again. So blasé in fact, that I cleaned up the edges and then did the other half
So, while I wasn’t clucking around waiting for resin to set, I ripped down that 6 metre length of hoop Pine into strips for my gunwales and made up a bending jig
So now it’ll be more resin coats until I can turn her over and start on the inside. Would like to graphite the bottom first, but fat chance of that, as I don’t have any here and we are still cut off. Been about six weeks now and last week’s mail plane was the first in four weeks. Hopefully this rain will start easing up soon.
Rob, (tucked up in your work space as the tropical rain thunders down, the smothering humidity and the smells of sawdust and resin mingled with the wet bush) Yes, it’s
exactly like that………