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Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:36 am
by jem

Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:11 am
by OnkaBob
Great job Rob - looks like she rides really well.
With all the rain going down the east coast I guess for your next project you'll be asking Matt to whip up a plan for a boat that's about 40 cubits long............

Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:21 pm
by RobRassy
Thanks Matt, Bob
Yah!...... reckon we've just about had 40 days & 40 nights of rain
A canoe that big might be a bit hard to paddle though
Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:49 pm
by RobRassy
I took the Trapper to the final Wooden Boat Association meeting for the year and got a lot of positive comments from the other members.
They were most impressed with the lines and loved the traditional looks.
There was also a fair bit of end lifting to check the weight, which surprised quite a few.
I eventually did manage to get it weighed and it came in at 25kg, not quite as light as I had hoped but still well within design. At 25kg it is still very manageable by one person.
We have not had her on the water since launch, but there is a video of the first paddle here. ... ocanoe.mp4
Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:20 pm
by OnkaBob
I don't normally check out videos attached to posts but I'm glad I watched this one especially where the boat is going from right to left at near the 1 minute mark.
I thought the video was sped up at first but then noticed the movement of the paddles looked too natural. That thing looks like it flies

! Does it feel as fast as it looks?
Seems like you already know how to paddle but if you haven't seen them it's worth watching the Bill Mason "Path of the paddle" videos. The link below is to one: ... es-basics/
(These are almost 30 minutes long.)
Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:47 am
by RobRassy
G'day Bob
It felt fast alright! the bank was zooming past pretty fast and we were covering a lot of ground quickly
when we first set off I was having trouble drawing the blade back fast enough to gain any power, instead I was putting the breaks on. I ended up at a very fast stroke rate which would be unsustainable, so we were probably going close to max speed
My brother shot and posted the footage. I asked him to keep it short and try to show a reference point to get an idea of the speed. I'm sure that is the actual speed, though it does look very fast. The zoom might be causing an effect, and although sheltered we did have help from a 45 degree tail wind. The last bit shows paddling into a stiff head wind
Thank's for the link, I am a mug paddler and want to soak up as much knowledge as possible
Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:53 am
by hairymick
G'day Rob and congratulations mate! That is one bloody beautiful canoe and Roo is a real lucky bugger.
Did you put in at Carlo Point? looks a bit like it. That is only about an hour south of us and a place I have been busting to paddle and camp for a while.
Re the rain, I hear ya mate. Too much more and i wont have to drive anywhere for a paddle. I bogged me 4 wheel drive in the front yard today.

Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:58 am
by RobRassy
Mick Thanks! Glad you chipped in I have a question you (and any one who want's to comment) might be able to help with
First yes I don't think Roo could believe his luck, it was a bit nasty to tell him he couldn't have it till I had finished it properly & shown it off a bit more.
Honestly it is a very desirable looking object, not so much the finish but the proportions & design aesthetics are just beautiful - (Thanks Matt)
We were at Carlo Point, and hoping to do a bit of exploring too

, but it wasn't the weather for it
I have a question were I know the answer will be a matter of personal preference, but I am open for suggestions.
I want to build a set of paddles and don't know were to start. I thought a beaver tail design might look good but am worried they might be unsuitable for endurance paddling.
Any advice, experience, or information will be gratefully accepted. (and possibly ignored

Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:31 am
by jem
Fire up Google and enter "canoe paddle length".
Some links: ... addle.html
From Whiskey Jack:
Here's our double-top secret, tried and true method of measuring for our canoe paddles.
Here's the deal. Overall height doesn't matter since canoe paddling is a sit down activity. So sit up straight (like your mother taught you...) in a hard bottomed chair and measure from the seat to your eye brows.
For bent shaft canoe paddles add 18" to this total.
For straight shaft canoe paddles add 24" to this total.
It sounds goofy but works great for our canoe paddles.
I personally have longer arms and prefer to sit low in the boat, so I like mine a little shorter than typical.
Re: Another Aussie Trapper
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:07 pm
by hairymick
Mate, I am 6 foot tall and my canoe seats look to be at a similar height to yours.
I like my paddle to be around 51 inches long which our American Cousins have told me is too short but that is where I like it. I think it is a matter of comfort anf personal preference more than anything else.
Re paddle shape, again, I don't really know enough about it to be of much use, but I do like the lines of the beaver tail jobbie. There are some superb paddles available in some sports stores here. They are made in Canada and only about 20 bucks a shot but I forget the brand. I bought four and base my paddle builds loosely around the dimensions of them only with a bigger blade.