Thanks for the encouragement Matt & Snap's, I'm pretty much over that little disappointment. I had a short play in the pool with the Trapper on Sunday, and had that much fun the little defects were all forgotten just like Matt said would happen.
This weekend was all about painting the outside. Two days sanding and Monday was masking and spraying
Most of the sanding had to be done by hand as the panels on the trapper are to narrow to sand accurately with power tools.
When the indicator coat (the red) disappears the surface is flat and you move on to the next bit
Method in the madness
Almost there
As I wanted to check the water line, seat heights & paddling positions, I organised my brother Gary to help me with a test in the pool
Neither one of us has any experience with canoes and spent a few apprehensive moments watching the Trapper caressing the top of the water.
She Floats
I bravely sent Gary in first (so I could check the water line of course

After a few seconds he began deliberately rocking from side to side exclaiming it leans a bit then gets real stiff. I'm not too sure but I think he was discovering the secondary stability.
You go first
When I took my turn my impression of initial stability was, that it was quite OK too, once you relaxed. She's seems pretty stable over all, I was able to put my hands on the gunwale and lean almost my entire weight over it before I chickened out. I reckon a pair of novice paddlers will soon be very comfortable in this canoe
MY turn My turn
Some might call this Showing Off but I maintain It's checking the stability
The seat positions off the plans seemed right, both of us are around 70kg and the hull felt level.
The heights we tried were from 8 to 10 inches. Gary felt more comfortable at the low 8" and I tended to like them a little higher, especially in the front position. Paddling was OK at all heights so it looks like it is a matter of personal preference. before testing I was going to go for 9 inches but will now go for 8.5 which will allow for a padded seat later on if desired.
All in all I loved the feel of it on the water and didn't want to get out and go back to work on it
Wish we were on a Lake or river
I eventually got it sanded back to 400 grit. Monday was masking and painting day
Ready for paint