Hi Chuck, You are waaay too modest. You guys this forum as well as on your forum have helped me more than you know.
Not only that, but with your beautiful workmanship on your stripper progue, you have inspired me to take that little bit more care with what I am doing..Thank you
I am truly sorry about my constantly changng betreen metric and imperial or Americam measurements.You see, I too was taught when things were in feet and inches and temperature was measured in fahrenheight. Our governement in its wisdom, embraced all things decimal some years ago and I have been compelled to learn this new BS system. I get confused with it even now. I still have to convert back to miles or to feet and inches to work out how far or how big something is.
By my guestimate, my swampgirl should weigh around 44 pounds
Mate, there are 2.2 pounds in a kilogram. roughly 2.5 centimetres to the inch, 393/8 inches to a metre and 1.62 kilometres to a mile. As for temperature, roughly the comparison goes a bit like this.
0 degrees ......................................32. degrees
10 ................................................. 50
20 ..................................................68
25 ................................................. 75
30 ..................................................87
38 ..................................................100
Hope this helps a bit mate.
Got the gunwhales finished today. A couple more piccies.