G'day Zeb,
No need for the sicky mate. I am on a couple of days off at the moment.
Been down the shed most of the day, another scorcher. Was too hot to even drink beer. Went through 5 litres of water and am still dehydrated.
We are in the middle of the best seasonal wet season we have had in decades. Heavy monsoonal rain allmost every day for the past month with scattered very heavy thunder storms inbetween. Just had one that lasted about an hour and dropped over two inches into my rain gauge.
With all the heat and humidity, it seems my boat bench has "bent" a little,
My centre string line is not in the centre of the bench and is about 3/4" out about half way along its length. I only picked this up when I shot the keel line string. I checked every thing and the bench is still level through out its length so it is not a big problem.
Matt's temp frames drawings for this boat come with the measurements of a top piece for a strongback build
I originally had some doubts about them but they are absolutely correct.. (sorry Matt)
This made it easy to set the height of the centre temp frame, simply sit it onto the bench in place and screw it to an allready positioned cross piece.
The apex of the keel on this frame then sets the height for all other frames. - easy.
The height of the keel on the centre panel is then used to set the height of a temp post at either end of the strong back.
Run the string line and ensure that it is at the same height at each end, above the bench as the mid temp frame apex.
Then mount all the other temp frames so that the apex of each one is directly benieth the string and at the correct distance from it.
All this took about 2 hours to do this morning and I think is well worth the effort on a boat such as this. Time and effort saved in stitching will be much more than that.
Panels 1 and 2 are on, fitted and stitched.
Hope to get the other three on tomorrow.