Well, caught wind that Mick was starting the build of another boat.
So I figured I should get moving.
Goofed of yesterday (Sat) and went paddling, was gonna go paddling again today, but decided I should work on the WF 2.0 instead.
Got the tankwell all together and about 90% filleted.
After a dry fit of everything on the work table, I traced the outline of the TW floor and the took everything apart and then put down a strip of packing tape on the table over the outline so any epoxy that got thru would not bond to the table. Packing tape is your friend.
Squared up some pieces of pine on the jointer and put packing tape on the sides, clamped them to the table and used them outside of the tank well to locate, align and support the walls.

Had one support block at the back of my table, which I butted the forward TW wall against and then butted the TW floor against the TW wall. Then I butted the aft TW wall against the TW floor edge and held it in place with two pieces of pine. Then butted the TW sides to the floor and put a pine piece at the forward end to hold in place and a smaller piece at the aft to hold in place.
Used packing tape from inside the TW to the outside of the table to hold things at 90 degrees. You can just kinda see it just in front of the lateral frame support in the above picture.
One stitch in each upper corner, to hold them in place and it was time to fillet.

My favorite filleting tool.

Once the fillets cure, snip the stitch and I will finish of the fillet.

Gotta go and get back to work on the cockpit stitching, I hear the sound of tools revving up from the other side of the equator.
Sunday part two
Cockpit frame which was finished during the week. Cleats on the lateral frames are not installed yet, will happen farther down the road. Still havent decided on whether to add the semi-circle cut outs to the longitudinal frames yet.

Cockpit aligned and stitched together on the cockpit frame and ready for tabbing.

Rolled it back into the garage and did the tabbing.