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Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 12:22 pm
by FloatingFisher
Looking good!

Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:33 am
by tw541
I managed to get a little more accomplished between fishing trips.

Glassed inside and out. I used 6 ounce glass on the hull. I am going to use 4 ounce on everything else.


The internal frames and cockpit assemblies are ready to install.

Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:06 pm
by neon14
You are not wasting any time on this build! Making great progress. Your gonna really like these boats. My wife loves hers. Only time I get to use the Sabalo is when I leave her at home :lol: Looking good cant wait to see them on the water!

Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:38 pm
by tw541
Thanks neon14. Your boat was a big incentive for me to build these. We have big plans for using these two. My wife is working on the design for the decks. She is much more artistic than I am. We are going to use some woods not commonly seen on strip boats.

Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:05 am
by tw541
The frames, cockpit, and tank wells are installed. These thin strip panels are strong across the grain, but bend easily with the grain. You can see the braces I installed to help support the front decks and keep them flat. I also put extra cross braces in to support the floors. Now we need to finish the decks. They are starting to resemble kayaks.


Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:52 am
by tw541
These boats are really coming together now. I put my two 2' by 8' tables side by side to assemble the deck sections. One hull is quite a bit lighter in color than the other, so they will have different woods in the deck. All of the wood used in the decks, except the western red cedar, is material I bought from a sawmill in De Kalb Texas 20 or 25 years ago. I had a piece of really nice bird's eye maple I had planned to use, but it seems to have disappeared along the way. I did find a piece of mulberry I had forgotten about and decided to use it. Mulberry has an interesting color and grain that I think will be worth the pain and aggravation of working with it.

The first set is going on the darker colored boat. The dark wood is black walnut, the red 3/8" accent strips are eastern red cedar, and the rest is western red cedar.




On the second set of decks, the red strips are eastern red cedar, the 3/8" accent strips are western red cedar, and the rest is mulberry. The mulberry is some of the most difficult wood to work with I have ever used. I used it in the past and don't remember it being quite so hard to work with. Maybe it got harder as it aged for a few decades in the barn. It required some serious clamping pressure to bend the strips. It reminds me of working with hickory or pecan wood.


Decks are on. In addition to the tape, I used heavy blocks to hold them in place while they cured.


Almost ready for fiberglass.


Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:12 am
by jem
Dang Terry... why can't you customize those boats a little? :lol:

Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:39 pm
by tw541
Sorry Matt. I'll try to do better on the next one.

Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:12 pm
by Wannabe
You keep pulling stunts like this, just get used to hearing what Matt said. "Dang Terry". Looking good.

Re: A Pair of Sabalo 12's

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:37 am
by tw541
Both boats are fiberglassed. I'm actually a little further along than this. I need to take some more pictures.




