Time for an update
I have a week off, so getting a bit done on the Trapper
On the weekend I picked up & cut to size the timber for the gunwales
It's a hard wood (Tassie Oak) so will be a bit of fun fitting to the tight bends on the ends
I have a secret weapon though,
a quick & dirty bending jig I knocked up
Will just tweak the ends a bit using clamps and a heat gun
This is it in action, I leave the timber in over night to hopefully give it some memory
Have done a dry fit with one and it looks like it will work
The ends where the fore decks are going have framing fitted
I've also been working on filleting the joins using a mix of 50-50 cotton flock & ply wood sandings
I'm doing it in sections as I have left the middle formers in place
I have been a little worried about a small gap that opened up between the middle formers and the sides at the join of the third & fourth strip when the stitching was removed. Obviously the sides have splayed some what. I can still pull the top in, but that leaves the side bulging.
The solution another quick & dirty jig / cradle
The cutouts are taken off the middle formers with a 4mm allowance for the ply
She's sitting in the cradle now and the gap has disappeared like magic
I'll leave the formers in place while I finish filleting the mid sections & fit the outer gunwales