Idea from Martha Stewart

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Idea from Martha Stewart

Post by pogue3one »

The other day when I was working on the wadefish and starting to tack weld the cockpit, I came in out of the heat for a break and Martha Stewart was on the tv. She was using a pastry bag to make cookies or something, and it gave me an Idea. I could use a similar method to apply a nice even bead of putty.

First take a plastic bag and cut a corner out(not too big or your bead will be huge.
Then turn the bag halfway inside out.

Fill the corner with the epoxy/woodflour mix.
Then bunch up the rest of the bag around the putty and squeeze it out like a tube of toothpaste.

This method is very neat and doesn't leave the dark marks all over your wood.

Thanks Martha!
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Post by pogue3one »

I meant to post under my builder log
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Post by Jerry-rigged »

Works for Fillets too, but use a "Freezer" bag. The sandwhich and Storage bags will split seems. Kind of messy when that happens... :oops:

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Post by Oldsparkey »

If you run some tape along the outside of the seam ( on both sides of the seam leaving the area free that you want the fillet on ) then do the fillet , smooth it out and when tacky pull the tape.... Nice crisp edges and a uniform size ( width) to the fillet.

"O" .. Also epoxy saturate the seam and the area the tape will be stuck to , let it set up ( then lightly sand it to get rid of the whiskers) before you put the tape down , this way the tape has something to stick to and when you pull it and you will not take any wood with the tape.

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