Maybe I spoke to soon, could swear that earlier it said that there was a Sabalo-soon.
my eyes must be tired.
Sabalo, maybe a little later ( depends on what other little beauties Matt comes up with. Looks like I have sold one of my off the shelf sea kayaks. so I have a vacant rack, gotta fill it with something.
I bought a set of Cape Fear plans a little while ago for a different project I was working on. Looks like the bottom may have fallen out of that one (project) so I am thinking of knocking up a Cape Fear hull and turning it into a sort of hybrid decked touring/fishing canoe. (sorry Matt
I just have a concept thing running round in my head at the moment and its really hard for me to put it into words. I really like the cape fear and I want to have a play with the decks etc.
Who knows, I might even build her as per the build instructions - nah, too easy
Scott, those vertical rod holders are ideal for placement and handy reach for such usefull things like ironwood clubs, (I call em dongers) for belting toothy critters and ignorant jet ski-ers into submission