Progress is slow at this point but i am determined. Just for an update I've now glassed half of the inside of the boat and I am going to be finishing wetting out the other half today. Now that there are two layers of fiberglass around the wood core I am really impressed by the strength of the composite. Its starting to feel like a serious boat. I may try to get a more current photo up this week. Happy building to all. If I can do it so can you.
Coming along nicely Grant. I reckon doing the interior in 2 halves is the way to go. It may mean 2 sessions but you have gravity working mostly with you instead of against. You also have an overlap down the centre that helps a little with the strength/stiffening in that area.
Looking forward to seeing it on the water.
Cheers, Bob
Laker 13 - christened and slimed (just).
Laker accessories underway.
I am dying to get this done soon and on the water. Its soo close but I want it to be as nice as I can make it even though it's my first effort at boat building. Sometimes slow and steady is better.
Just an aside here, I was curious and weighed the boat now that it's been glassed. With cheap birch ply and cloth fully inside and out I am at 40lbs. I am planning some small decks and bulkheads for floatation yet but I think under 50 finished is easily in reach. That's pretty manageable for one guy. I am impressed.
Gunnel #2 is on and curing. Had to redo the scarf joint as it was half dry and failed under its own weight while I was sanding on it. All is back on track now.
I am impressed with the speed. I've only ever paddled large canoes and this just hauls butt. I took her out and pointed the bow into the wind and wasn't really hindered. I would have been dying with a full sized canoe and not been able to do it. Turns are super easy. The boat tracks well but could use a littlehelp. I am thinking a small keel might do the trick. I don't know if a rear mounted rudder is a better option? So finish sanding and a seat are needed. I am thinking a seat that is removable is the way to go. Stability is kind of like my first car's steering an old tbird. And inch or two of wiggle before you really hit a nice response. stiff secondary stability was easy to be confident in. Very easy to cope with. I stood up in it for a bit. Double bladed paddle was a must. It might do better tracking with more weight in the hull. I'm only about 200 with the paddle. Getting it dialed in is a whole different process. Should be fun.