Bemm 52 wrote:I knew you would be happy with it.............
Add the tools and it gets better.
I'll be following your sailing mods with great interest as someone has donated me two sailboard sails.
Cheers Paul
Ok, I will post details of my rigout for sailing. However my setup may be different to what you will want because I am fitting a soft-wing sail, not a conventional sail. A softwing sail has a ridgid mast but no rigging, and rotates around 360 deg. It also has a wing-like profile produced by shaping with an inner core such as foam. It has lots of advantages for kayak sailing. (I have PM'd you details of where to find the topic).
The mast step could be pretty much the same, but you might need rigging that is different. I am sure you will be able to work it out though.
My psychologist reckons I need lots of fishin' therapy!
Well done mate. You've got yourself a keeper there. I've been following your build with interest and am really impressed with what you have achieved.
I guess the trade off with a SOT is that you will end up with a wet bum in the the rough water. I always carry one of those big synthetic chamios which I spread out on the hull in front of the gentlemens area. It stops a lot of water slopping up onto the seat of my SOT and can be used to soak it up quick smart when it does happen. Your in for a lot of fun ahead. Enjoy.
Thanks Rodot. Yes, I have thought of getting a nice big sponge and keeping that behind the seat, that way it will soak up any slop that comes back there, and if it's alot it can be wrung out a couple of times. I will see how that goes and if I really want to modify things back there I can do that later. I was thinking of putting a scupper or two back there but to be honest I'm a bit over 'cutting and shutting' at the moment. I just want to get it finished now and get on with enjoying it over summer.
I painted the first coat of epoxy/graphite on last night. Makes it nice and shiny (but it's awful messy if you don't manage it well!)
My psychologist reckons I need lots of fishin' therapy!
The epoxy/graphite finished on the base. I just painted it with 2 thick coats. I mixed it up almost like treackle consistency and it was pitch black. The first coat cured very hard, so I don't have any concerns about having only 2 coats. It didn't take anywhere near as much graphite as I expected. I used only 1 1/2 small bottles of graphite, and that was easily enough.
The only little bug was that the roller I used for the second coat was fluffier than the first one for the initial coat. It shed a bit of the nap, and left a bit of fluff in the coating. I don't think it will be a problem if I give it a very light sand once cured. I might top coat it with clear epoxy if it comes up too matt. I like the shiny finish.
My psychologist reckons I need lots of fishin' therapy!
I like that - very nice indeed.
I thought the idea behind applying graphite was to make the boat slippy below the water line. Surely if you 'gloss' over it then you lose that effect and just have a black bottom
Falcn wrote:I like that - very nice indeed.
I thought the idea behind applying graphite was to make the boat slippy below the water line. Surely if you 'gloss' over it then you lose that effect and just have a black bottom
I took a look at it this morning after allowing it to cure overnight and it doesn't look too bad. A very light sand in the one section the fluff has affected won't affect the overall look. So I don't think it will need to be recoated. If I did, I would mix some graphite in with it to maintain the appearance.
I don't really know how much more slippery the graphite makes it through the water, although it might a bit, it is more about improving scratch resistance on rocks or rough beaches. And it makes it look very nice.
My psychologist reckons I need lots of fishin' therapy!
PiratePete wrote:Where did you get your graphite Goanywhere & what size bottles did you get .
Just bought it from the local hardware store. It is sold as a dry lubricant in 35g bottles. I bought 3 bottles thinking I would need it, but only needed half. I guess I have enough graphite to look after all my hinges and locks for the next 10 years now.
My psychologist reckons I need lots of fishin' therapy!