Ok, having been sidetracked by the acquisition of my first Dodge Ram Hemi and another motorcycle project, I really slopped through the final steps on this boat. Wanted something very low maintenance so I sprayed the upper half and interior with rubber truck bed coating. I was fully on the way to a camo paint job (think duck boat) when the Mrs. stepped in and reminded me this is my daughter's boat
Here it is during the bedliner process. I had glued on a strip of PVC lattice in the interior sides prior to glassing. This gives me a solid surface for mounting pad eyes and such.
Here she sits waiting to get zebra striped by my kiddo
In a basically paddle ready state with the truck coating and full exterior white paint coat, she is still under 30lbs. I'll post a final weight when the finish paint is done.
I just did the first float test in my pool and I'm just giddy about it. What a great design!!! Stepped in like I was stepping onto a dock. I doubt I'll ever want to sit down when padding this thing so now I need to look for a longer stand-up paddle. (that is if I can get over the idea of paddling a zebra
