I thought I would say hello and what a valuable resource you have here. I've been lurking as a guest, reading many of the build logs, having a think about what I want to do, mulling over a few of the designs. I've finally jumped in and purchased a set of plans for the square end 'Stalker' described by Surfman viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1001
I'm particularly looking for a stable platform for photography, so will probably build in a tray to hold a waterproof pelican case for the cameras and kit.
I hope to be able to take some time over the winter to get this ready for a spring wetting. I'll keep you all informed with updates and photos. Perhaps in return you all might help me avoid some of the mistakes I'm bound to make (pre- )
As a first time builder myself I can tell you that you will have a hard time thinking about much else for the duration of your build. Totally addictive and immensely satisfying. Welcome aboard!!
My psychologist reckons I need lots of fishin' therapy!
goanywhere wrote:As a first time builder myself I can tell you that you will have a hard time thinking about much else for the duration of your build. Totally addictive and immensely satisfying. Welcome aboard!!
And it dosent let-up the addiction that is...I'm on my 8th....10 if you count unfin. prototypes..
goanywhere wrote:As a first time builder myself I can tell you that you will have a hard time thinking about much else for the duration of your build. Totally addictive and immensely satisfying. Welcome aboard!!
And it dosent let-up the addiction that is...I'm on my 8th....10 if you count unfin. prototypes..
Now you guys are starting to scare me - not sure I want to take the bait any more
goanywhere wrote:As a first time builder myself I can tell you that you will have a hard time thinking about much else for the duration of your build. Totally addictive and immensely satisfying. Welcome aboard!!
And it dosent let-up the addiction that is...I'm on my 8th....10 if you count unfin. prototypes..