Second coat is on. I'll let it dry all day tomorrow and give it a light sanding when I get home. If it is early enough for it to skin over before dark I will shoot another coat on, if not I'll wait until Thurs. morning. The bugs are pretty bad once it gets dark. It's looking pretty good, only got a couple of bugs this evening before it skinned over. It was 112* in the shop when I shot it so it didn't take long to start setting up.
What do you know about this product from Duckworks: Sea-Lect TruCourse™ Rudder
I know you designed the Rudder Gudgeons, but is the rudder assemble a quality product. I don't care about the blade, I am going to make a wood composite blade to match the NW. I do like the fact that even drifting backwards the rudder will tuck under if it hits something.
Gave the boat a quick light sanding with 320 grit.
I sprayed another fairly heavy coat on, and it was looking great. I was thinking this might be it, no bugs, no dust, no trash and slick as glass. Then I walked around to the other side and there it was, the biggest run you have ever seen. Oh well, I'll give it another sanding and another coat.
Varnish is done and I am going to start rigging tomorrow. Took a few tries to get the varnish down without any bugs or too much dust but it finally worked out.
I think I am going to run the hatch straps a little different than normal. What do think?