Well, I'm hoping to get going again on the paddle board soon. It's been an incredibly frustrating and painful few months.
In early December I (somehow) did some major damage to my back. Had a couple of months of pain and immobility like I've never experienced before.
I was off work for over eight weeks.....spending most of my days lying flat on the family room floor because it was the only position I was relatively pain free.
The catch is, of course, that the boredom nearly kills you!!
Staggered out to the shed most days and stared longingly at my current build.... All this time on my hands and I couldn't do a bloody thing with it!!!
Attempts to do a few bits and pieces on the paddle board lasted about 2 minutes before I had to just about crawl back to the house to hit the floor again!!
Anyway, months of physio and medication sees me back on my feet.....back at work (on light duties for the past few weeks) and ready to pick up the build again.
Only hold up now are a few house maintenance tasks that have built up during the time.......
Hmmm.....It would be more prudent of me to get those out of the way first. "Her indoors" has been very caring and patient with her patient.....but I'd be pushing my luck leave them any longer.

Seeing the great work neon14's done on his paddle board's really got me fired up to finish mine.....and my son's itching to get it out on the water!
1 Cape Fear Sit In....a couple more planned
2 Laker 14's
1 Paddle board
"People who don't make mistakes don't make anything"