Been working on the back deck...mainly sanding (killed five sheets of 80 grit - by hand

I did get the fish/ice box finished (other than paint) this weekend - She measures 11 x 11 x 33. Should be good for a few fish and some drinks. Layup is luan with 6 oz fabric. I taped the fillets first then covered the bottoms and sides, covered the bottom twice. Foam board is regular 3/4" blue board from lowes. Filled the corners and under the floor with two part foam...should be pretty efficient.
I used a 1" dowel to make fillets, man have I been missing a good tool..always read about it...try it...its the bomb compared to a spoon or stick.

Here's a shot of the back area, all foamed and glassed in - she just needs paint and a deck.

Speaking of deck here is the sand paper killer and hand blisterer. With a coat of micro slurry to kill some more sand paper.

Close up

Bow Eye holes drilled

That's it for now