Thanks for the nice words but some times I just get lucky when building a boat and everything comes together.

Something new for me............
I have been rolling on the epoxy and in that process I have had some pock marking on the boat ( dimples ) in the epoxy. Usually sanding gets rid of them but I tried something new today.
New for me since I haven't done it in the past ( some of you do this , I haven't till now) Stopped at the auto parts store and got a package of what they call plastic spreaders , for doing body work on vehicles with bondo.
Came home an wet in the canoe with epoxy then with paper towels and one of the spreaders ( squeegee) I squeegeed the excess epoxy off the boat. The paper towels were to clean the spreader on as I progressed down the length of it.
What was dimple is now nice and slick , one more application and it should be as smooth as a baby's rear.
See ... You can teach an old dog new tricks , if he just pays attention to you.

Figured I would post this for anyone who has not tried it , it is the cats meow and slicker then ______________ ya fill in the blank.
