1. Measure and draw
2. Cut
3. Sand
4. Some assembly required
5. Stich and glue
6. Sand
7. Lay fiberglass
8. Sand
9. Repeat 7 & 8 (yes, I know this is not exactly what happens)
10. paint or varnish
11. Get 'er wet
I have started steps 1 & 2 on my first sheet. Now I have to go back to Home Depot with my brother (he has the truck) to get two more sheets and finish cutting. It seems step 1 was difficult, but not impossible. I must have read the instructions a dozen times before drawing things up. Then once I started I kept asking myself what have I gotten myself into.
Then, I started cutting. I started with a hand saw, then a circular saw and lastly a jig saw. The jig works best for me as long as I do not get in a hurry.
So, now I have all of these pieces laying on the floor. I kept looking at the bulkheads and thought, "how is my big butt gonna fit in this dang thing?". I wanted a boat which would not be as confining as a regular kayak and the pictures from Mick's build showed there would be plenty of room. But, I was committed

Now, I have a question. I have decided to make things a little easier when I build my second boat, so I am making cardboard templates so I will not have to measure out my parts for my second boat. Has anyone else thought of doing this? I know there will be a second boat once I get done and thought this would save me some time.
I have questions about laying fiberglass as well as finding a good source, but that can wait. So far, the instructions are very good and I have not had any problems yet.
Here is my first sheet with my lines finished and ready to cut.
Durham, North Carolina