I finally finished her! This is my 2nd build. I learned a lot from my first build (tandem fishing sot) and subsequent use fishing. The most important thing I learned is that all the little details regarding weight add up quickly. My first build came in quite heavy. I'm happy to report that this one came in at 59 lbs even with all the accessories I added. That's 1 lb under my target of 60lbs!
Speaking of accessories, below are some photos of the features I added based on fishing my tandem last year and some of Mick's tricks.
I hope to get her wet for the first time one night next week and post photos.
1. Rear bulkhead for storing caught fish. This photo was from before I installed the deck & hatch. While this photo doesn't show it, I mixed epoxy and a new ceramic insulating powder developed by NASA (Insuladd) and painted that in the whole rear compartment. I'm hoping it will keep my ice/fish cold back there. Also note flush hatch in cockpit floor for storing tackle boxes and fish finder battery and circular hatch in front cockpit wall for more storage.
2.Drain plug in the stern for cleaning out the fish storage area.
3. Aft configuation inspired by Mick for fishing. Two flush-mount angled rod holders, a central vertical rod holder for either a net or gaff, and a flush hatch with flush handle/latch for access to the fish storage area. On the very bottom left of the photo you can barely see the RAM ball for my fishfinder/gps display unit.
4. I got a canvas/snap kit and installed a sheath to hold my pliers on the cockpit wall.
5. I installed two paddle holder clips on the cockpit deck to hold my Lip-Grip for nasty toothy Bluefish (they're wonderful to eat).
6. Following Mick's idea on a camera box, I build a box for my fish finder battery below decks.
7. Fishfinder sounder mounted below deck with foam/goop to hold it in place.
8. Screw in mount safety flag to help keep me from getting run over by the motor boaters. I've had a close call out on the ocean without this before.
9. While no photo of it, I applied several layers of graphite powder/epoxy to the bottom to help protect it.