Thanks and welcome aboard mate.
Feeling a bit better today - thanks.
I found my way to the West System after some pretty ordinary results with other epoxy.
At the time, I was develloping an epoxy safety training package for my work, and Scott Alexander of ATL Composites, here in Oz was very helpful, so much so, I just wouldn't feel right buying my resin anywhere else. Will definately ask him about 205 and 206.
He recommended I use the 207 and I tried it, loved the results and haven't used anything else since. In normal conditions, I have enough time to work with the resin, but this time, every thing that could have gone wrong - did.
I reckon my haste in trying to do the whole boat at once has added another 15 hours to the build.
I sanded the inside for about 6 hours today and am probably approaching the half way mark.
I think with he next canoe build, I will glass the outside and tape the inside seams.
I can feel another Duckworks shopping spree coming on.